
How to spend days on quarantine? Chetan Neupane

Chetan Neupane Grade: 10 Trilok School Machhapokhari, Kathmandu How to spend days on quarantine?  Spending days in home is now creating problems for people. We are off the duty. It is not good for own if we sit useless. Our body is like a machine if we use it, it works properly but if we don't try to work it capabilities will decrease. And may take long time to recover.          As we know,  the whole world is paused. Since covid-19, is now spreading through out the world. They can go out of home. Can't continue their work. Many country have declared lock down. People are now spending their hardest time in home. People have not been through this time. So they are sitting use less and their working function is becoming low.      So how can one spend their days so that their capability of brain and functioning of body won't stop. Here are some works they can do in quarantine. 1. You can engage your doing  creative work ( drawing, handicraft, learning instr

मेरो देश - सम्पदा भट्टराई

सम्पदा भट्टराई कक्षाः आठ त्रिलोक स्कूल माछापोखरी , काठमाडौं मेरो देश हराई दिन्छन् शब्दहरू वर्णन गर्न खोजौ भने मुटु भित्र राखौं भने । गदगद पो हुन्छु मनै भरि देश मेरो रगतमा बगिरहन्छ देश तनै भरि देश धड्किरहन्छ देश हिमालको हासो आमा झै हासि रहन्छ देश मुटुमा धड्किरहन्छ देश सानो भाइ धुलोमा लडीबुडी गरि रहन्छ सानी दिदी गुरॉसमा फुली रहन्छिन् कोशी कर्णली जीवन भएर बहन्छन् बहिनी सयपत्रीका पातमा तप्की रहन्छे डॉफे मुनाल प्रकृति भएर खेल्छन मेरो देश बिहानको झल्को हाँसो भएर पारिन्छन जुनेली रात माया भएर तप्किरहन्छ । खेतका आलि भएर अमर सिंह लाई छातिमा बोकेर बाँचेको छ भृकुटी लाइ निधारमा चम्काउदै छ मेरो देश । अरनिको कला कोर्दै छन् यहाँ त्यसैले देश छ मात्र युगैसम्म जीवन्त छ र म छु ...

समाज (आकृती भट्ट)

आकृती भट्ट कक्षाः  आठ त्रिलोक स्कूल माछापोखरी  ,  काठमाडौं समाज ए ! यति राती कता जान लागेको , समाजले के भन्छ ? ए ! कस्तो लुगा लगाको ,   समाजले के भन्छ ? यो नगर , समाजले के भन्ला त्यो नगर , समाजले के भन्ला कसले कुन लुगा लगाउँछ हुन्छ सबैलाई चासो को मान्छे को सँग हिड्छ भनेर हेरिरन्छन् बाटो। बाटोमा हिड्दा सोध्छन् नानी , के बन्न मन छ ? डाक्टर भन्यो भने ठिक छ नत्र कुरा काट्न थाल्छन्। गरिबलाई हेप्छन् यिनी ठुला बडालाइ दिन्छन् सम्मान आफ्नो इच्छाको पेशामा लागे छ्या डाक्टर , इन्जिनियर बने वाह्। त्यसैले , अरुले के भन्छ कहिल्यै नसुन्नु जे मन लाग्छ त्यही बन्नु समाजले जे भने भन्छ तिमी चाहिँ आफ्नो मनको सुन्नु। धेरै के भन्नु , म पनि यहि समाजमा बस्छु कविता मन पर्यो भन्ने आशा राख्छु।                                   

मित्रता (कथा)

नमूना भण्डारी कक्षाः आठ त्रिलोक माध्यमिक विद्यालय, माछापोखरी, काठमाडौ मित्रता (कथा) कुनैठाउँमा एउटा ठुलो जङ्गल थियो । त्यस जङ्गलको बिचमा ठुलो पिपलको रुख थियो त्यस रुखमा धेरै खालका चराचुरुङ्गिहरु बस्ने गर्थे । रुखमा काग र कोइली पनि बस्थे । ति दुबै पन्छिको स्वभाव बेग्लाबेग्लै भएपनि मिलेर बस्ने गर्थे । दुबै पन्छिको मित्रता एकदमै गहिरो थियो । उनिहरु बिच कहिल्यै झगडा हुदैनथ्यो । उनिहरु बिचको मित्रता देखेर त्यही जङ्गलमा बस्ने अर्को चरा -रुपी लोभिन्थ्यो । उ दुबैकोे मित्रतालाई भड्काउन खोज्थ्यो ।  यसै सिलसिलामा उसले एकदिन कोइलीलाई एक्लै भेटेर कागको नराम्रो कुरा भन्यो । यसरीनै उसले कागलाई पनि कोइलीको नराम्रो कुरा भन्यो । उसले सधैं दुई मित्रलाई यसरीनै भड्काइरयो । एकदिन उसले कोइलीलाई भड्काउदै गर्दा त्यही जङ्गलमा बस्ने सुँगाले सुन्यो ।  सुँगा सधैं सबैको मित्रता होस् भन्ने चाहन्थ्यो । उसले काग र कोइलीको मित्रता बिगार्न नदिन त्यही जङ्गलमा सबैको मित्रता कायम राख्नुपर्छ भनेर सभाको आयोजना गर्यो । सुँगाले सभामा सबै चराहरुलाई आउनु भनेर निमन्त्रणा दियो । भोलिपल्ट सभामा सबै चराहरु उपस्थित

New Place, New Knowledge: Ishan Nepal

Ishan Nepal Trilok School,  Balaju Machhapokhari, Kathmandu Grade: 8 New Place, New Knowledge “Every travelling has new knowledge.” Aristotle I have visited many places in Nepal. Among them I like the most is Pokhara. I like Pokhara because it is very nice place. There people are also very helpful; they help in different sectors without reservation. Pokhara is popular city of Nepal. Many tourists come to visit Pokhara and it is very clean. It is the country largest metropolitan city in the terms of area and also second largest in the terms of population. Pokhara is also considered as tourism place. There are many guides. Pokhara is located in Gandaki Pradesh. The seti river is main river which is flowing through the city. In this city the tourist can paraglide from the hill and bungee jump too. There are many trekking agencies in Pokhara which provide guide to tourist for tour. Phewa lake is Nepal’s popular lake it is located in Pokhara. Many people go there to l

President Ratifies Constitution Amendment Bill

President Ratifies Constitution Amendment Bill Kathmandu, June 18 :  President Bidya Devi Bhandari has authenticated the Constitution (2 nd  Amendment) Bill 2077, after the Bill was passed by both the houses of the federal parliament. With this authentication, the map in the coat of arms has also changed and areas of Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh and Kalapani have been constitutionally incorporated into the map of Nepal. Spokesperson for the President’s Office Hari Prasad Dahal informed that President Bhandari ratified the Bill in accordance with Article 274 (10) of the Constitution of Nepal. Following the authentication of the Bill by the President, the federal parliament, federal and State governments and all the 753 local levels will now be required to use the new map and emblem. Similarly, all agencies, bodies and organisations will also have to use the updated administrative and political map and the changed coat of arms. The Bill to amend the constitution had been una

My Visit to Pokhara : Sampada Bhattarai

Sampada Bhattarai Grade: 8 Trilok Academy Balaju Machhapokhari, Kathmandu My Visit to Pokhara As we all know that Pokhara is a remarkable place of natural beauty. There are many attractions to visit. So, I thought to visit Pokhara when I was in grade 5.I had a long vacation. I just stayed at my home and wasted all my time using social medias and chatting with my friends. However, my friends were visiting new places and sharing photos and videos. My friends were learning many new things and gaining knowledge. I was so dumb sitting home and wasting time, so I also thought of visiting new places. I had no idea which place to visit so I thought of taking ideas from my friends. Then I asked them many of my friends suggested me to visit Pokhara and finally I also planned to visit it. It was 2074BS, when I visited Pokhara. Pokhara is located in the mid western part of Nepal and a six hours drive or 20minutes flight from Kathmandu. Pokhara is also the centre of adventure i